Deliance Estate - Wines from Burgundy, Chalon-sur-Sâone, Beaune and Givry Deliance Estate - Wines from Burgundy, Chalon-sur-Sâone, Beaune and Givry

All the promise of a family history

Deliance Estate,
Fine Wines and Crémants de Bourgogne

It was in the heart of traditional Burgundy that the third generation of the Deliance Estate came into being, and succeeded in nurturing the family link that still resonates in the soul of our ancestors…

There are four of us today keeping these ancestral ties alive, ensuring that our 18 hectares of vines continue to thrive and keep their pledge to produce fine wines.

Deliance Estate - Domaine Deliance, Grands Vins et Crémants de Bourgogne
Deliance Estate - Domaine Deliance, Grands Vins et Crémants de Bourgogne
Deliance Estate - Esquisse d'une promesse
Deliance Estate - Esquisse d'une promesse

The hint
of a

As the heirs of a family’s know-how, we have given pride of place to the dynastic quintessence that it is our duty to respect. This means that the wines from our vineyards are not only the virtuous outthrusts of a terroir but an expression of freedom itself…

The promise
of secrets

The history of the Deliance Estate is a work that has come to fruition over time, its fabric – home to so many secrets and so many hidden doors – built day after day. And it is by discovering our Crémants that these same secrets will be revealed. Nevertheless, some will remain forever hidden…

Deliance Estate - Promesse de Grands Vins
Deliance Estate - Promesse de Grands Vins
Deliance Estate - Promesse de Grands Vins

The promise
of fine

The bond is what binds man to his vineyard, the vine to its wine, and the man to his wine. It’s also what unites the Deliance family in a majestic momentum that embraces joys and sorrows, toil and camaraderie – but always with the accent on a sovereign passion:
to produce great wines.